Parker RIBs Review - SKYDEX Impact Mitigating Boat Decking
CASE STUDY: Parker RIBs offer professional quality RIBs from 5 to 16 metre for international clients including Police, Patrol, Military, Search & Rescue, Diving Support, Workboats and Charter. SKYDEX Impact Mitigating Boat Decking was installed on 'Grey Mist', a Parker 800 Baltic RIB with twin inboard diesels based on the south coast of the UK.
Andre Scott, Director of Parker RIBs said, 'Having supplied fast boats for over 20 years we were keen to trial SKYDEX decking. Our experience as boat builders and boat operators has been 100% positive! When underway on jockey seats we typically stand. The effect of standing on SKYDEX is immediately noticeable when operating in waves as it reduces the effects of slamming on the body. What has been surprising is the reduced fatigue after long passages in waves, including cross Channel trips of over 100 miles.'
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