UK Ministry of Defence Multidisciplinary Approach to Maritime Shock Mitigation
The presentation provides an update on the UK Ministry of Defence Maritime Whole Body Vibration Project. In particular it focuses on the so called DLOD (Defence Lines of Development) approach which maps well onto tne control of vibration at work regulations.
This pan DLOD approach has helped the MoD to focus on the multiple facets of managing the issue of protecting people from harm. This includes risk assessment, health monitoring and targeted training.
The presentation also covers the wider MoD approach to health monitoring and WBV awareness training and certification required to meet all the DLODs.
Dr Thomas Coe - Senior Consultant, Frazer-Nash Consultancy / Naval Design Partnership

Dr Thomas Coe is a Senior Consultant with Frazer-Nash Consultancy currently on secondment to the Naval Design Partnership as the High Speed Craft Group Manager and Technical Lead of the MoD’s Maritime Whole Body Vibration Project.
He has an extensive background in WBV in small fast craft having completed a PhD in the subject from Southampton University, conducted numerous at sea and laboratory trials and is a member of a number of international committees on the subject.
Prior to joining the NDP he worked on a variety of projects for Frazer-Nash including small craft design tool development, test rig design and development of lightweight composite solutions for dismounted infantry.
RS & WBV Workshop - April 2017
This presenter has asked us not to publish their presentation.
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