Update on ISO Standards for Boat Seat Performance Testing and Next Steps
This presentation will discuss what shock or vibration isolating seats are supposed to do and how they can be tested in the field and in the laboratory. Subjects covered will include:
- Seats for fast boats as compared to seats for cars, motorcycles, tractors, fast jets, helicopters, armoured cars and tanks.
- Sea trials vs. laboratory tests and why neither is good enough.
- Approaches to lab testing of seats including shaking, squashing, launching and dropping.
- Things that can usefully be measured, why we usually end up measuring vertical acceleration, why this isn’t enough, and what can go wrong.
- How to relate a measurement to a probability of injury and some of the (many) assumptions involved.
The presentation will finish with a summary of the recently drafted ISO laboratory test for marine seats with some of the key assumptions and limitations.
Dr Tom Gunston - ISO Seat Testing Working Group
Tom Gunston has been involved in assessing the shock and vibration isolation performance of seating for land, sea and air transport for over 20 years.
He is currently the Convenor of the international (ISO) working group tasked with the development of a standard test for marine seats and is Chair of the British Standards panel on Whole Body Vibration.
He carried out research into suspension seat performance at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research and then worked for two years at QinetiQ assessing shock and vibration exposure on land, sea and air vehicles.
He now splits his work between the construction and high speed marine sectors. He is currently working for the RNLI and the MOD on shock and vibration exposure and seating performance and has worked for a range of marine craft operators, builders and seating suppliers.
NEXT GEN Workshops - October 2017
This presenter has asked us not to publish their presentation.
For more information www.iso.org